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Probably because both igneous and metamorphic rocks are formed by means other that don't allow for fossils to be preserved.For example, igneous rocks iare made of cooled magma and the only way a fossil would emerge would be through falling into the magma and not melting.

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Q: Why are fossils so rare in igneous or highly metamorphosed rock?
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Does lamprophyre form fossils?

A lamprophyre is a type of ultramafic intrusive igneous rock. It is very rare for fossils to be formed in igneous rocks (and they usually only form as mold fossils in extrusive deposits). As such fossils will not form in lamprophyres.

Which type of rock igneous or metamorphic contains fossils?

Though somewhat rare, either rock type could contain fossils.

Which type of rock may contain fossil?

fossils almost allways occur in sedementary rock. this is the only way to get fossils without burning or cruching the fossil. you sometimes get fossils in igneous rock, but this is very rare. igneous rock fossils do not have any actual "fossils" in them, they are just impressions.

Why are fossils rare in igneous and metamorphic rock?

This is because igneous and metamorphic rocks are created under extreme heat and pressure, and very few fossils would survive those conditions. The most common forms of fossils are those found in sedimentary rocks.

What is a rare and beautiful metimorphic stone is formed of limestone?

Marble is metamorphosed limestone.

Why is it rare to fine fossils in metamorphic rocks?

Fossils abound in sedimentary rock, you are in fact very likely to find them there.

Is marble rock rare?

I would not call it "rare" but it's not very common. It's metamorphosed limestone so associated with major orogenies.

What is the code for rare fossils for DSI?


Why aren't most of the found fossils complete organisms?

because fossils are rare to find and in complete form even more rare only 10% or less out of 100% fossils have been found on earth

Which type of rock would be most likely to contain fossils?

Generally, fossils are found in sedimentary rocks because other rocks (igneous and metamorphic) would expose fossils to too much heat while the rocks formed. However, there are rare exceptions to this.

Do you dig to find fossils on Pokemon sapphire?

Yes. I found 3completely rare fossils by digging.

Is it possible for a species to exist and yet never be preserved as a fossil?

Yes, fossilisation is a rare process especially on land. There will have been many species not preserved as fossils but it would be impossible to prove as there are no remains. It is also possible that many species were preserved in rocks but, due to tectonic processes, they were obliterated as the rocks were metamorphosed.