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Silver and copper will tarnish over time, increasing electrical reistance and reducing the quality of the signal. Gold-plating provides a long-lasting high-quality signal. However, zinc-plating can offer similar performance for a much lower price...with no perceptable loss in video quality. I've been an engineer in the digital video industry for a long time The best quality I've seen comes from going to a better standard, s-video is better than composite and component is better than s-video. The video processing of your equipment plays a much bigger role than the connectors. We never use gold connector, only zinc-plated BNC.

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Q: Why are gold plated connectors sold ie stereo cables instead of silver or copper plated when they are better conductors?
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Compoent video cables themselves aren't made of gold, but they can be gold plated. Gold plated connectors allow for better conductivity. The cables are typically made of oxygen free copper.

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Copper cables are the best and the standard just make sure it is sheilded cable.

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Transmission cables are made of conductors and insulating material covering that conductor.

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Cable connectors are used on coaxial cables, which are ports in the wall that connect to a TV. The connectors are used to either link together two coaxial cables or split it off into more than one.

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If the DVD player doesn't have COMPONENT connectors, you will have to use a input on the TV that has RCA input connectors.

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Actually, aluminum mylar tape shielded cables are better than copper braid shielded cables for instrumentation cables.


Stranded conductors are more flexible than solid conductors.

What is the best rated retailer to buy cables and connectors from?

There are a lot of electronic stores that sell cables and connectors. Some of the best places to purchase them from are Best Buy, Future Shop and Walmart.

What are the names for high voltage power cables?

Electrical conductors

Do gold connectors enhance my computer's performance?

Cables with gold connectors are considered to increase conductivity, which usually increases speeds.

Is it important to have gold connections on cables and connectors?

It prevent corosion and rust if you do.