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Q: Why are grades not important?
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Related questions

What is more important education or grades and why?

Education is more important, but if you are learning what you are being taught your grades will reflect it.

How important is it to get all A?

Very important! Stay in school! Keep your grades up!

What does unweighted sum of all grades mean?

It is simply the sum of all grades divided by the number of grades: the arithmetical average of the grades. If some tests were more important than others then you might take a weighted average whereby you attach more importance (weight) to the important tests.

Why Is Maths Important To your Studies?

because it will help you with you grades

What does it mean unweighted sum of all grades for a student?

It is simply the sum of all grades divided by the number of grades: the arithmetical average of the grades. If some tests were more important than others then you might take a weighted average whereby you attach more importance (weight) to the important tests.

Are high school grades important for law school?

They are not in the US. As long as the college grades show a good track record.

What is the most important key to improving grades?


Do year 9 grades matter?

Yes, they are pretty important.

Where will your grades get you?

Grades are an important past of your education. They show that you are learning the content presented in school. Also, they are an important aspect of the college admissions process. After high school, no one will see your employers cannot use them for or against you; however, the knowledge you gained that the grades reflect may be a valuable asset later in life.

What gcse grades do i need to become a carpenter?

Maths & English will be the most important

Is homework important or not?

It depends on whether you want to understand the material and make better grades.

Why is report writing important?

its not reaaly if you want to fail but otherwise you need to and get good grades