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Q: Why are highly processed ''fake foods'' like chips and cookies bad for you?
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Does the Little Spotted Kiwi like cookies?

No. the Little Spotted kiwi does not eat cookies or other man-made, processed foods.

What are some fat foods?

some dessert cookies cake chips junk food

What are nutrient-rich foods and nutrient-lacking foods?

The most nutrient-rich foods are leafy green vegetables, followed by sea vegetables, other vegetables (roots, stems. etc.), mushrooms, legumes, seeds, and whole grains. Foods that lack nutrients include those that have been highly refined or processed, including sugar, soda, corn syrup, jelly, margarine, alcoholic beverages, cake, chips, french fries, pastry, oil, and cookies.

Examples of junk foods?

Candy, chips, cake, and cookies-can be eaten in small quantities, but not regularly.

What are some of processed food?

Chips, sweets, frozen dinners, canned foods, packaged cakes and cookies, sugary breakfast cereal. A lot of food is processed these days, but in some cases, it's so that it's better for us to eat, such as milk has to be pasteurised (a form of processing) which makes it safer to consume.

Will eating expired corn chips make you sick?

Probably not. Alot of corn chips are highly processed and have alot of perservatives. Those kind of foods don't really 'expire', they will most likely just get stale.They probably won't rot or mold, so they're probably not very dangerous.

What foods aren't grown?

Highly processed foods like fruits and vegetables that require further intervention from man are not grown or exported from Australia.

What are some unusual foods horses can eat?

My horses like Cheese puffs, soada,chips, bannas,ceral and cookies :)

Finally they add chocolate chips.?

Adding chocolate chips is often the last step in many baking methods of recipes for foods such as chocolate chip cookies, cakes, or brownies.

What processed foods should you avoid?

Chips, sweets, frozen dinners, canned foods, packaged cakes and cookies, sugary breakfast cereal. A lot of food is processed these days, but in some cases, it's so that it's better for us to eat, such as milk has to be pasteurised (a form of processing) which makes it safer to consume.

Do grocery stores have unhealthy foods?

Of course they do. Just walk down the cookies, cereals and chips aisle It is very important to read food labels as SO much processed had alot of sodium, corn syrups, preservatives, saturated fats, sugars, etc that is very unhealthy.

Which foods are you most likely to grab for a late night snack?

chips cookies popcorn ice cream pizza sandwich cereal