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Since horses are such big animals they can produce more antibodies and are more cost effective. And I have never seen a regular sized saddle horse. The companies that do this use draft horses, because once again, the animals are quite large.

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Q: Why are horses used for antisera production?
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The Production Budget for All the Pretty Horses was $45,000,000.

Does antiserum A when added to type O blood make blood clot?

No. Type O blood does not have the surface antigen that Type A antisera binds to. Only type A blood will clot when type A antisera is added.

What are the three main types of blood cells and special liquid?

Blood types are A B and O. AB is also a type of blood a person can have. Type A has antisera B and can only transfuse to others with type A blood Type B has antisera A and can only transfuse to others with type B blood Type AB blood does not have an antisera and is a universal receiver Type O has Anti sera A and Antisera B and is a universal doner <><><><> Red cells, white cells, platelets, and plasma for the liquid.

What are the disadvantages of intermittent production?

That horses could ruin it.

How do you do blood group in autoagglutination?

Instead of using antisera for blood grouping , pooled known RBCs are used. the process is serum serum of patient whose Rbcs are auto aggluting is used.

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What was the first production car in the US?

The carriage, you know with horses!

Which animal are used for making products?

Many animals are used in production. Chickens are used for eggs and meat. Horses' hooves are used to make gelatin. Cows and goats are used for meat and milk. Pigs are used for meat and lard.

Will type A blood react with anti-A antisera?

No because type A blood has antibody for B

Are Arabians still used as War horses?

No horses are used for "war horses" anymore.

Were horses used in 1809?

Yes, horses were used in 1809

IS make-up used on animals?

I recall hearing that in one particular production of Black Beauty hair dye was used in copious amounts to have the hair colour of the horses match the descriptions in the book.