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the white reflects the sun away from the house it keeps it cooler

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Q: Why are houses in hot countries painted white?
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Why are alot of houses in hot countrys painted white?

Houses in hot countries are painted white because a white surface reflects nearly all the light/heat of the Sun. As light is reflected from the house, the walls and do not heat up and the building interior is cool. This makes the building more pleasant to live in in a hot sunny climate.

Why are houses in desert areas painted white?

because white relfects heat meaning that inside the homes will be kept relatively cool. that's why in any country that has a relatively hot climate most of the houses are white or similar pale colours

Why is it so light out when it snows?

It is light outside when it snows because snow, being white, reflects light making it lighter. Black materials absorb light (for example roads can become quite hot in the summer if you've ever noticed) whereas white materials reflect light. This is why in countries like Spain, houses are often painted white.

Why are the houses in Greece white?

Not all the houses in Greece are white. This happens mainly at the Greek islands, because if they were painted another color, they would absorb even more heat. And, especially at summer, it's very hot, so they don't want other heat.

Why do people paint their houses white?

The scientific answer for white paint on houses is the same as why we wear white in hot climates-- white reflects the sunlight away from the house during the summer. This keeps the house cooler than houses with dark colored paint.

What does colour white stand for?

white stands for heat and that's why tea cups and radiators are painted white and isn't it the tea is hot

What does the colour white stand for?

white stands for heat and that's why tea cups and radiators are painted white and isn't it the tea is hot

Why are houses in hot places painted in light colours?

it is advised to paint the houses at hot climate places with white or any other light colour because light coloured outer surface can easily reflect the hot air coming and prevents it from indulging it onto your house. dark color can easily absorb the hotness outside and you will soon feel hot inside your house

Why do men in hot countries wear white?

White is the coolest color and it does not attract the sun.

Why are buildings in hot places in hot countries usually white?

To reflect the sun so they don't get as hot inside.

What type of houses should be built in hot climates?

houses that have a white coulour because the sun would reflect the sun ... so this would keep it cool

What clothes do people were in hot countries?

people in hot countries usually wear white clothes white clothes reflect the sun.if they WEAR BLACK CLOTHES sun will absorb IT!please contact me or see me on youtube.hope you learn something educational see you in your next question