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We aren't actually. Many other animals including gorillas, chimps, elephants, cats, dogs, etc. have been known to show emotion just not necessarily on the scale that humans can and do.

Observed examples include:

  • Gorillas, whales and elephants are distressed and mourn when one of their group dies
  • Elephants and wild dogs care for sick or injured pack members
  • Muskoxen protect their young
  • Otters play just for fun
  • Most animals exhibit fear
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Q: Why are humans the only animals with emotions?
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Who did the animals fear and hate?

Animals have no emotions. cats and dogs are not happy to see you. they are not depressed. Those are human emotions. There are only a few animals who do have some emotions. like the elephant, or the dolphin and some primates. but overall, animals have no emotions. Humans do, that's why they are animals.

Why are humans the only creatures with emotions?

Theyre not

What characteristics do humans share with animals?

Animals and humans are both in the animal kingdom. Characteristics that animals and humans share are emotions, thoughts, and physical similarities. For example, a humans and animals are social beings who form bonds with family, friends, and neighbors.

Why do animals not have a sense of humor?

They do, it's just that they are unable to be as expressive with their emotions as humans are.

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Feelings as in emotions? Not to the same extent we do. They are animals. Only humans have the capabilities necessary to feel the emotions that you and I feel. However, they are capable of some feelings.

What human characteristics are shared with other animals?

Animals have emotions, feelings and personalities just as humans do. Humans and animals share a wide range of similarities, from physically to mentally. Animals also think the same way as humans, they can also plan (For example: A plan to capture prey).

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Can animals speak?

No, animals can not speak. Only humans can do that.

Do animals get circuncised?

No only humans

Are humans the only ones that get chickenpox?

Humans and some primates are the only animals that get chickenpox. It does not affect other animals such as dogs and cats.

How are human being different from animals?

Humans can think and reason. Humans can talk, read and write, invent tools, display unique emotions, and spiritual feelings.

What animals have guns?

Humans and only humans, at least to my current knowledge.