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ionic lattice is made of ions & atoms

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Q: Why are ionic lattices called ionic lattices?
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The ions in solid sodium chloride are arranged in a structure called an what lattice?

Ionic compunds all form alttice structures, sometimes called ionic lattices, sometimes crystal lattices.

Do ionic bonds always produce giant ionic lattices?

Yes. The nature of an ionic bond is that it is non-directional and therfore compounds form lattices rather than discrete molecules.

What form do ionic compounds take?

Giant lattices.

What is the difference between and ionic and covalent bond?

Compounds with covalent bonds form molecules. Compounds with ionic bonds form ionic lattices.

What is the dot configuration of NaCl?

Sodium chloride has an ionic bond and form large lattices.

Does barium atoms present in its lattice?

Ionic salts as barium chloride form lattices.

How can you describe the structure of sodium chloride?

Ionic. When solid: crystalic ion latice

Is sodium chloride a molecular or ionic crystal?

Sodium chloride is an ionic compound; the term "molecule" is not adequate because NaCl form large lattices.

What type of bond is NaCl and why?

Sodium chloride is a polar salt with ionic bonds, forming crystalline lattices.

How do metals and non metals bond?

Generally they form an ionic compound. Electrons are transferred from metal to non-metal fornig ions that form ionic lattices.

What group of substances do not usually form organized crystal lattices in solid state Ionic compounds metals polar covalent compounds or non-polar covalent compounds?

All of them can form organized crystal lattices.

What kind of chemical bond produces cry stalline lattices?

Ionic bonds: Ionic solids, Covalent bonds in giant covalent molecules such as diamond, silicon dioxide Metallic bonds- metals Crystal lattices are just a regular arrangement of atoms/molecules. They are not unique to any one form of bonding.