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They are afraid that the person they tell will not help them, and they will be bullied worse. Or, that they would feel like a wimp if they admitted they were being bullied.

Bullying is done to feed the ego of the bully at the expense of someone weaker or just different. It should never be ignored or condoned. This will perpetuate the activities of the bullies and could escalate into violence.

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That's true I know that when I am being bullied I don't like telling anybody because I feel like a tattle tail and maybe the bully would lie to a teacher if I told them.

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13y ago
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15y ago

because they fel ashamed. it is completely irrational but they feel like telling would be like admitting they are weak. they are also scared that the bulling will gat worse if tey tell. the bravest thing to do is to tell, so that nobody else will suffer.

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12y ago

Because they are too scared to say anything..because they think that it will make it worse, but it wont and they just got to learn to say something if they don't want to get abused truly sorry for these kids and i want to help them...ima kid my self and i jus can feel the pain they are going through.. soo don't worry jus tell someone about it if your getting abused and hope for the best...

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14y ago

Abused kids don't tell because they are scared that their abuser will find out and abuse more. Sometimes they aren't able to get to the resources to tell like a phone or a ChildLine centre or a computer!!

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12y ago

Why bother? When I was in school and told people in authority about being bullied, I was always blamed for bringing it on myself! All I needed to do according to them was "learn to get along with the other kids better", which was useless advice so I gave up on telling authorities.

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11y ago

Because they feel bullied at the same time.

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okay frist thing to do when you are being bullied by your teacher is tell you parent or anyone you trust ,,, get their opinions then if they dont do any thing the on speak to a consolnlor good luck to ya

What can a person do if they see someone getting bullied?

You should stand up to the bully and show no sign of approval to what the bully does.Also tell the person getting bullied about a time you were bullied and tell them how you handled the situation. If you feel this person will harm themself, tell them that it doesnt matter what others say they have alot to live for. Show them a video called make it stop septembers children by rise against. we have lost many brave souls to suicide caused by being bullied. The things that make us different make us awesome.

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If you have a friend that is being bullied dont just stand around.Tell the bully to stop bulling your friend. If that does not work tell an adult that your friend is being bullied.

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You dont have to tell him where you are and dont. Dont let him have contol over your life like thaT And espically if children are involved. Dont put them in harms way

Who can you tell that you are being bullied?

if you r a kid and at school tell a teacher. if you r somewhere else and still a kid tell a parent or adult. if you r an adult... i dont know what to tell you, pal.

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A British study found that one in four children are bullied because of their faith. For non-Christians, the percentage of bullied children is roughly double that.

How children are bullied each year?

thousands of kids are bullied each year

What do kids do to them self when they get bullied?

tell a teacher or an adult, dont feel like your a chicken or your tatle tailing. bullying is serious, take action

Who can you tell when your being bullied?

Anyone :)

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i dont know you tell me