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Q: Why are large areas of the amazon rainforest being cleared?
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Why are large areas of the amazon being cleared?

because houses are being built on the amazon and soil exhaustion

Are there spiders in the Amazon rainforest?

Yes, various species of spiders live in the Amazon rainforest - tarantulas being just one species.

What is a famous rainforest and where is it located?

The Amazon rainforest is a famous and substantial one, being named after its River, the Amazon. It encompasses most of South America.

Why is the Amazon being protected?

the Amazon rainforest is being protected because of green house gases, and carbon emissions, which are theartening the exsitance of the Amazon.

Where is the rainforest location?

There are many rainforests located all over the world. The most common one, however, being The Amazon Rainforest. The Amazon rainforest is in Brazil, in South America, and has the Amazon river flowing through it.

Do any rivers flow through Amazon rainforest?

Several, the most obvious being the Amazon.

Why is the Amazon Basin being cleared so quickly?

because u suck

When was the Amazon rainforest found?

This is a very general question. No one really knows who it was seen by or when it was first found. The amazon rainforest is still being discovered as well.

How are plants being affected in the amazon rainforest?

People are deforesting the Amazon area to make room for agriculture.

How big is amazon rainforest before and after deforestation?

Well, there is no definite answer to your question because the rainforest is being destroyed everyday. but currently, around %18 of the Amazon had been destroyed.

Is the Amazon rainforest urban suburban or rural area?

The rainforests are in rural areas. Being parts of an urban or suburban area mean that the trees are cut down to make room for people.

What are the people that live in the Amazon Rainforest doing about their homes being destroyed?
