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Q: Why are less massive stars thought to age more slowly than more massive stars even thought they have much less fuel?
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How the stars sizes classify it depends on what?

Gigantic clouds of gas and dust left behind by old, massive stars slowly compress into potential new stars. Large stars are formed in stellar nebulae like small stars; they just require extra mass. Towards the end of their lives many stars turn into giants or even supergiants. That depends on the initial mass of the stars and on the progress of the nuclear fusion reactions in the stars.

Do most massive stars collapse into black holes?

Most stars end up as white dwarfs. A few become neutron stars. Even fewer become black holes.

Why is it unlikely to find life around stars more massive than the sun?

The more massive a star is, the shorter it lasts. The most massive stars do not last long enough for life to develop on any planets around them. Some do not even last long enough for planets to form.

Do hot stars or cold stars live longer?

There is no such thing as a cold star, as even the lowest-temperature stars are very hot. That said, cooler stars last longer as they burn their fuel more slowly.

Can stars falls on the earth?

No, for the very good reason that stars, even the smallest ones, are much more massive than the Earth. If anything were falling, it would be the Earth falling into the star.

Why have none of the stars from the big dipper ever fallen?

The stars are unimaginably far away, well beyond any influence from Earth. Even then, they are far larger and more massive than Earth is.

What type of star ages faster?

The most massive stars; they will use up their fuel much faster than less-massive stars. or even low mass star which is less then half the mass of our sun may able to last more then a trillion years that is longer then the universe age

What is the range of expected stars lifetime?

The highest-mass stars have the shortest lifetimes; a star 60 times as massive as the Sun is predicted to have a lifetime of only a few million years, and extremely massive stars like R136a1 have even shorter lifetimes. In contrast, small, cool, dim stars can burn for a very long time; the smallest red dwarf stars may last for a trillion years before burning out.

How do stars get blasted off?

an expanding Shell of hydrogen gas envelop the core of the star which collapses ,it becomes a red giant. In more massive star with hotter core ,helium fuses to carbon,silicon or oxygen, synthesizing the heavier element .even more massive stars may burns iron generating a cooling effect . The core implodls and the outer layer of the stars are bloom away as a supernova

In terms of solar mass which of the stars evolves most rapidly?

Massive stars evolve the fastest.Massive stars must supply more energy to prevent collapse under their own gravity. This energy is supplied by the nuclear reactions in the core of the star. more massive stars need to burn their nuclear fuel at a much greater rate than smaller stars in order to produce enough energy to balance their much greater gravity. Therefore, massive stars will burn their fuel faster and quicker evolve from their position on the main sequence

Explain how all galaxies are similar?

All galaxies are massive clusters of stars scattered across the universe. Many galaxies take the same form, for instance, spiral and elliptical galaxies. Some galaxies also have a black hole in their center.

What star is considered fixed star?

All the visible stars are considered fixed stars to distinguish them from the planets that wander round among the fixed stars. Some nearby stars appear to move very slowly with what is called 'proper motion'; but it takes thousands of years for the shapes of the constellations to change even slightly.