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Q: Why are lichen and moss on the forest floor od a deciduous forest?
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What type of plant in a deciduous forest?

A great variety of plants are found in a deciduous forest. Moss, lichens, ferns, wildflowers, and other small plants grow on the forest floor. Shrubs grow at mid-level. Trees such as maple, oak, birch, magnolia, sweet gum and beech are found in deciduous forests.

What is the adaptation for the carpet moss plant in the deciduous forest?

their butts help them walk

What are the adaptations of Carpet Moss in the North American Deciduous Forest?

hi de ho

What are some plants of the deciduous forest?

idk lol A few plants of the deciduous forest include; venus flytrap, many different types of trees, and lots of flowers and moss!

How do moss and lichen help other plants?

Moss and lichen prepare area for other organisms.

What is a synonym for lichen?

Moss, tree moss, rock moss.

Where do you find Moss and Lichen for minos quest on horseisle?

Talk to Twig in Eartip Forest in Earton. From FlashGirl on the Dun Server!

What are native plants in the Temperate deciduous forest?

Ferns, moss, bushes, and most other non-evergreen forms.

What are some mosses in a deciduous forest?

Thuidium delicatulum (commonly called delicate fern moss, Dicranum scoparium (broom fork moss), Polytrichum (hair cap moss; are found in the forests of Appalachia.

A plant that is a cross between a fungi and an algae?

Lichen is formed by a partnership between fungi and algae. Lichen is a specific type of moss that grows on rocks.

What lives on the Forest Floor of a Rain forest?

Termite, Giant Earthworm, Millipede, Beetle, Fungi, Moss, Frog, Lizard.