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Lizards are cold blooded and they hibernate over the winter since they cannot move fast.

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12y ago

because they hibernate through the winter

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Q: Why are lizards not seen during winter?
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A constellation that is seen in the northern during early winters?

In the Northern hemisphere, the constellation seen in the early winter months is Aries.

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Why lizards don't come in winter season?

we can't seen lizard in cold season because lizard go into a long ,deep sleep in certain season

What do lizards do in winter months?

They like to sleep and burrow.

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No. All year long.

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Bowerbirds feed primarily on fruits, insects and even leaves, particularly during winter. Occasionally, they will eat small lizards.

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No. Sirius is a star that is seen during the winter months in the northern hemisphere.

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Orion is seen only in the winter season. It is a constellation.

When can Orion be seen on Earth?

During the Winter months, in the northern hemisphere. For most of the year , in many places, in the southern hemisphere.