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Latitude and longitude are not only used by scientists; everybody, especially engineers and navigators, who needs to describe exactly where they are are more likely to use lat/long than pure scientists.

It's a very generally useful concept.

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Q: Why are longitude and latitude lines used for by scientists?
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Why are lines of longitude and latitude important on a map or globe?

Latitude and Longitude are used to point to exactly where you want to be

Are Lines of longitude and latitude are used for locating certain points on the globe?

Yes. The intersection of a line of longitude and a line of latitude is a point on the globe, and that point is identified by the longitude and latitude of those lines.

What lines on maps are used to determine location?

Latitude and Longitude

How are lines on the globe used to indicate location?

Latitude and Longitude :)

What are the lines of latitude and longitude used?

They are used to locate a certain place on a map.

Are latitude and longitude lines used to locate places?

East And West(:

What reference lines are used to locate points on earth?

Latitude and Longitude

How are the lines of latitude and longitude used to locate points on Earth's surface?

The lines of latitude provide vertical (north-south) coordinates on a map or globe. Lines of longitude provide horizontal (east-west) coordinates. The defined geographical point is where the latitude line intersects the longitude line.

What are two lines used to break your earth up into hemispheres?

latitude and longitude

What are imaginary lines that are used to help locate places and objects?

latitude and longitude

What is the north-south lines of the grid?

The North/South lines on the geographic grid are named 'Lines of Longitude' or 'Meridians'. The 'Zero' line passes through Greenwich Observatory in London, England. This position was fixed historically, some 350 years ago, by Astronomers and navigators of the day, and has remained so to this day. The 180 degrees line of longitude passes through the Pacific Ocean, and for most of its course it is also the International Date Line.

Are latitude lines used to determine time zones?

It's the lines of longitude which are used to define time zones, not lattitude.