

Why are lynx endanger?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Yes. They are by pollution
Because of global warming and because people used to hunt them for their fur
The Lynx is endanged because its habitat is being developed. The lynx needs a lot of wild area to roam around in while hunting and seeking a mate. As roads are cut through these areas and other development occurs, the lynx is "pushed out" and their numbers decline.
Lynx are endangered because of poaching. A destruction of their natural habitat is also causing the animal to become endangered.

Yes,the lynx is endangered.Yes. Habitat reduction and global climate change are taking a toll.The European lynx,spanish lynx,are both endangered,but in north America,the bobcat and Canada lynx are in good shape.
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The only endangered lynx is the Iberian lynx which is endangered primarily due to habitat loss.

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people hunt them for there fur

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The plural noun for lynx is lynxes or lynx.

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It's the same: "lynx".NB: This is a masculine noun, i.e. le lynx (the lynx), and also does not change in the plural, i.e. les lynx (the lynx(es)).