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Manta Ray is a harmless creatures and they have a very short barb that is not very sharp and it is totally harmless, it contains no posion. Stingray contains posion barb but Manta Ray don't. The reason why manta ray are called devil fish is because The name "devil ray" comes from the manta ray's extended fins, which many people think resemble devil's horns.

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Q: Why are manta rays called the devilfish when they are harmless creatures?
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What is a giant devilfish?

The huge manta ray is often called devilfish.

What does a devilfish look like?

A manta ray

How large is a devil fish?

The devilfish, or manta ray, can be more than 12 feet across.

How does the Manta Ray behave?

The manta ray is a shy creature, but is respectful and harmless.

Is the devilfish in Island of the Blue Dolphins an octopus?

No, the devilfish in "Island of the Blue Dolphins" is not an octopus. It refers to a large manta ray that the main character encounters and hunts in the book.

How fast can a devilfish swim?

Devil fish is a common term for the manta ray. A female manta ray swim an average of 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) per hour.

What happens to a Manta Ray when it loses its tail and stinger?

it can't do you any bad Well, Manta Rays don't sting. They are harmless. Stingrays are the dangerous ones. They don't aggressively attack humans. They are timid and curious creatures, but it is possible to get stung if you step on one. If they loose their barb, nothing happens. It just grows back.

What is a female manta ray called?

what is a male manta ray called

Are manta rays dangerous?

No mantas aren't dangerous, they are completely harmless, as they do not contain a stinger such as the stingray.

Is a manta ray's tail harmful?

Mant Rays don't have stingers so they are harmless to us humans.

What does a wild devil fish eat?

The devil fish (Mobula mobular), also known as the giant devil ray, feeds on crustaceans and small schools of fish.

What is the difference between a Stingray and a Manta ray?

The stingray is much smaller, but far more dangerous, because its barb contains a poison. The manta ray can be as large as an automobile but is TOTALLY HARMLESS!Contrary to what the previous writer said, Steve Irwin was killed by a STING RAY. There is no way, other than a one-in-a-million bodily collision that a manta would or could kill anyone. They live on small sea creatures, just as most whales do.They are different types of rays.