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Q: Why are many species of animals and birds getting extinct?
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How many species have gone extinct since 1681?

It is hard to calculate the number of animals that have become extinct since 1681 since some species went extinct before scientists knew they existed. What is known is that more than 90 species of birds and hundreds of species of mammals have gone extinct since then.

How many bird species are extinct?

1,200 birds are currently extinct

What could be an example of an extinct species?

dodo birds I believe are extinct. if i am mistaken then dinosoars

How many animals are extinct in US?

there are 5 animals that are extinct and they are: the monkey elephant birds snakes dogs

What animals have been extinct for over 100 years?

This animal below have been extinct for more than 100 years. The Moa has been extinct for about 600 years

What animal are extinct animals?

dinosours, certain birds

How many animals have become extinct?

Millions, nearly 100 different types and species become extinct each day. Also, more animals have become extinct in human existence than in the entire history of the world. That's 1.6 billion years! Hundreds and hundreds of millions of years with actual animals.

A sentence with word extinct?

Dinosaurs are now extinct. There are many species of birds that are extinct.

What animals are being harmed by deforestation in haiti?

Many animals including tree dwelling mammals and birds are harmed by the deforestation of Haiti. Several species of monkeys are endangered and teetering on being extinct on the island.

Will most animals become extinct if poaching contiues?

Technically, no. Most animals are not targets for poaching. A handful of large mammal species may die out eventually, but small animals like rodents and birds aren't going anywhere.

How many native Australian animals are extinct?

Australia has one of the world's worst records for extinction of native animals. This is largely due to the proliferation of introduced species, particularly feral cats, dogs, rabbits, cane toads and foxes.Two of the better-known extinct species include:Tasmanian tiger (Thylacine)Lesser BilbyA more complete list of extinct native Australian species can be found at the related link. This includes mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and insects.

Exactly how many extinct animals are there in the world?

== == Given that the definition of an "extinct" animal would be a species of which no living specimens have been sighted in years, then there are no extinct animals in the world. However, if you wish to know how many species have become extinct, I suggest you look at the Wikipedia post linked below. There you will find a list that, excluding the dinosaurs, includes thousands of extinct animals, birds, fish, reptiles, etc. Consider that well over 90% of all the life forms that ever existed on earth are extinct, a complete list would be huge.