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because iron corrodes and its cheap

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Q: Why are many things that are made of iron disposable?
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Why are many things made of iron disposable?

because iron is cheap

How many things are made of iron?

Blades and nails

Why are so many things made of iron?

Have you ever noticed that you find iron in food?It is sealed inside popcorn and cereal.I will now answer your question.So many things are made of iron because people can't live without iron.I have answered your question.Thanks!

What technology did the Qin Dynasty have?

Things made of iron and many other stuff i have no idea and they made furnices

Steel is made by mixing iron with carbon or concrete?

Steel is made by mixing iron with carbon. The iron is melted with intense heat and then mixed with carbon. It can them be molded into knives, tools, or many other common things.

Which two materials were most necessary for industrial growth during the 1800s?

iron for the goods to be made from and coal for heating the iron and also many other things

What is fake gold made of?

Fake or fools gold is iron pyrites. Fake or costume jewelry can be made of many things which have a similar colour such as brass

What substances can rust?

Rust is cause by the oxidation of Iron. Basically, when Iron reacts with Oxygen, Rust is fromed. 2Fe2 + 3O2 ---> 2Fe2O3 (Rust) For this reason, it is only things made out of Iron that can rust. I hope I helped! :)

Why do miners mine iron ore?

It can be sold for a profit. Iron is used in many things.

How is iron useful?

it is used in making tables chairs and many other handy things like wiring and piping (not like icing )

What is used in iron?

Iron is an element. Nothing is used in it.

What kind of services or products does Merinet provide?

There are many services or products that Merinet provides. Merinet provides products such as disposable cups, disposable spoons, disposable plates, and disposable containers.