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This is really an opinionated question, but in my opinion, it is because people are just created differently.

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Q: Why are men and women so different mentally?
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People are different, and as a result have different choice, desire and so on. Some women find these class of men attractive.

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Because women, psychologically, need social activity more then men do. Basically, a mans brain is different from a women's, therefore, they have different wants and needs.

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Some women like such men. Also some women like hairy men. So it depends.

Why man get bored easily than woman in a relationship?

Well this statement is not always correct. Woman get tried of the relationship just as quick as men. the difference is that women tend to fall for a sexual, mentally, and emotional partner faster then men. Woman have the fear to end up alone. So they fall just to do so, men don't seem to have the fear as women do.

Why are men different than women?

If you mean physically, its so human beings can reproduce naturally.

Why don't men like shy women?

It depends because some men are interested in different type of women so some men do like shy women.

What is the role of men and women in America?

women can vote so can men

Are men and women different?

well yes and no women are a different gender so are men but they are humans and they can both dies and eat no because the lord good created us we all sin and let saint control us so yes and no i would mostly choose no

What is the Latin word for MEN?

Latin has two different words meaning "men":homines means men in the sense of human beings, people (so it includes women and children) - as opposed to animals.viri means men as opposed to women, so males, husbands, soldiers or simply men.

Do women cycle against men in track cycling?

No, Women compete at a different level to men, they are 20% roughly weaker than men in physical terms (fact) and as such it wouldn't be fair to race against men, so they compete seperately.