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Plastics are filled with covalent bonds ... which block the flow of electrons.

Whereas metals share their electrons, thus facilitating their flow.

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Crawford Rodriguez

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1y ago
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Q: Why are metals good conductors but plastic not?
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Why are cookers made of metals and not plastic?

because plastic melts on heating and metal doesnot melt on heating.metals are good conductors of heat.

Why are switches made of plastic and not metal?

metals are good conductors of electricity. plastic and wood are insulators. they do not conduct electricity

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the reason metals are good conductors is because in their subatomic structure electrons float as if in a sea, also called a sea of electrons that is why you can magnetize most metals and they conduct electricity.

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metals are good conductors this means that energy can move throgh them better than say plastic or insulation

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Metals are good conductors. Some non-metals are good conductors, but many others are not.

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the majoriy of metals are good conductors such as cooper and iron other metals such as gold are not

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A metal has luster and conducts heat and electricity. Most of the elements are metals and plastic

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Copper and silver are good conductors as both are metals.

Are metals conductors or insulators?

In general, metals are good conductors of heat and electricity.

What insulates better aluminum or plastic?

Plastic. In general, metals are good conductors, plastics are bad conductors. You didn't specify whether you wanted heat insulation or electrical insultation, but the above applies to both.

What are metals good for?

metals are good conductors of electricity and heat!

What are the all metals?

metals are good conductors of electricity