

Why are military jets so loud?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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12y ago

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the real question is.. Why arnt military jets loud

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Q: Why are military jets so loud?
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Why are fighter jets so loud?

They have incredibly powerful engines. Most fighter jets are capable of flying faster than the speed of sound. An airplane traveling faster than the speed of sound will be seen before it is heard.

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Military aircraft( combat planes/fighter jets/combat jets/fighter aircraft/combat aircraft). Military planes are airplanes that can carry weapons.

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Yes, but so far mainly in the military. The most famous is the US Marines V-22 Osprey.

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A missile launcher, a military navy, and mostly fighter jets.

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Callling in artillery was called "a fire mission." Calling in jets was called "an air strike." Ground troops engaging the enemy was called "CONTACT!" And it was yelled over the radio just as loud!

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Commercial jets do. Military jets normally land on military airports/airfields. An example for such an airport is Edwards Air Force Base.

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bacause the jets are awesome!

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They are extremely loud, for the most part.