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Minorities are oppressed due to systems of power and privilege that have historically marginalized and discriminated against them based on factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or religion. This oppression can be perpetuated through social, economic, and political structures that limit opportunities and perpetuate inequality.

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Can the large disparities between white males and women or minorities be accounted for by the preferences of women and minorities?

No, the disparities cannot solely be attributed to the preferences of women and minorities. Structural inequalities, unconscious biases, and systemic barriers also significantly contribute to the disparities seen between white males and women or minorities. Societal norms, lack of opportunities, and discriminatory practices play key roles in perpetuating these disparities.

What are transnational minorities?

Transnational minorities are groups of people who maintain connections and identities that transcend national borders. They may have cultural, linguistic, religious, or ethnic ties that reach across multiple countries, and they often face unique challenges related to their status as minorities in multiple places. Examples include the Kurds, Romani people, and the Tibetan diaspora.

What are the main minority groups in the region?

The main minority groups in the region vary by country and include Indigenous peoples, ethnic minorities, religious minorities, and immigrant communities. Examples include Native Americans in the United States, Indigenous populations in Latin America, Kurds in the Middle East, and Rohingya Muslims in Southeast Asia.

What is a subaltern voice?

A subaltern voice refers to the perspectives and experiences of marginalized or oppressed groups that are often silenced or ignored in mainstream discourse. It represents the voices of those who are outside the dominant power structures and offers alternative narratives that challenge the status quo. Subaltern voices are important for understanding diverse ways of thinking and being in society.

What are the five instruments used to keep racial minorities from voting or to lessen their vote?

Five instruments used historically to suppress voting among racial minorities include literacy tests, poll taxes, grandfather clauses, intimidation tactics, and gerrymandering. These methods were used to disenfranchise minority voters and limit their political power.

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How are muslim women oppressed?

Thy are not oppressed at all.

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The main reason for the Western interest in apostates, sexual minorities, and religious minorities being targeted for violence across the Islamic World, but especially in the Middle East, is because these individuals are specifically targeted on account of their class status. The Muslims who suffer under these regimes are certainly more numerous, but they are suffering from a generally repressive atmosphere, not one that specifically seeks their elimination.

How are the religions of the Arabs Persians and kurds diverse?

Yes. Most Arabs and Kurds are Sunni Muslim and most Persians (Iranians) are Shiite Muslims, but there are many religious minorities among all three of these peoples. Many of those minorities are oppressed in some or most of the nations where these peoples live.

When was Pedagogy of the Oppressed created?

Pedagogy of the Oppressed was created in 1970.

What are the ideologies of bahujan samaj party?

1. The party seeks to represent and secure power for the Bahujan Samaj which includes the dalits, the adivasis, the OBCs and other religious minorities. 2. The party stands for the cause of securing the interests and the oppressed people.

How can you use the word oppressed in a sentence?

The citizens were oppressed by their cruel dictator.

How do you use oppressed in a sentence?

"The Polish people were historically oppressed under neighboring empires." "The principal oppressed the faculty with his constant criticism and bullying."

Why did the Jews help African Americans during the civil rights movement?

Jews are reminded of the slavery that was endured by their ancestors in ancient Egypt every year during Passover; as a result of 1700 years of persecution in Christian Europe, they also empathize with oppressed minorities.

Put oppressed in a sentence?

A lot of us feel oppressed by the heavy homework load.

What does that mean oppressed people cannot remain oppressed forever?

When King states "oppressed people cannot remain oppressed forever" in his letter from Birmingham, he is stating that there is hope for his people. He presents himself as determined and trustworthy by having a plan- nonviolent protests.

What word is similar in meaning to the word oppressed?

The word "subjugated" is similar in meaning to "oppressed." It also conveys the idea of being under the control or authority of another in a negative or unjust way.

Can you put the word oppressed in a sentence?

Many times, a people has been a oppressed by an unfair ruler.