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Q: Why are molds not classified by plants?
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What are protist that don't resemble plants animals or fungi called?

Slime molds do not resemble plants, animals, or fungi.

Why do plants have molds?

Plants have molds because molds depend on them for foods. That's why molds have plants.

Is there wet mold and dry molds?

Yes, molds can also be classified into wet and dry. Based on their growth places, molds can be dry or wet.

Slime molds can be classified as acellular or?

Slime molds are all cellular. The unique fact is that they may or may not be multinucleated.

What is the niche of slime molds?

to eat plants

What is scrambled egg slime mold's classification?

Slime Molds are classified as Protista.

How are plants are classified?

plants are classified by people putting plants in three different groups

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Plants are classified in the domain .?

Plants are classified in the domain Eukarya.

Are ferns and trees classified as plants?

Ferns and trees are both classified as plants.

How did Aristotle classified plants on the basis of?

He classified plants on the basis of stem structure