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Because we are mammals. Products and/or drugs tested on other species would not give any pertinent results.

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Q: Why are most animals that are experimented are mammals?
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What animals is mammals?

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Most mammals are placental...marsupial mammals and monotremes are not placental.

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Yes. Whales are mammals and all mammals defecate, as do most animals.

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About 150 million.

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Beagles are the dog most experimented on.

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We are mammals, and mammals are one category of animal, so we are both animals and mammals.

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Both. Humans are animals in the order Mammalia. All mammals are animals, but not all animals are mammals.

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most birds,mammals andreptiles like the terrapin. :)

Are all sea animals mammals?

No, all sea animals are not mammals. Fishes are not mammals, but dolphins are mammals.

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Most mammals with the exception of humans.