

Why are most storage organs in a plant found underground?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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i believe it is there so that it would be in a safer environment away from predators.

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Q: Why are most storage organs in a plant found underground?
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The edible parts in a plant may be its fruits, seeds, roots or even leaves. In cereals we eat .grain, in the tuberous plants like potato, we eat the tuber (modified underground stem). That part of the plant which has storage of food is generally located to eat.

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well you can eat the potato buns and if you disire you can simply shove the whole potato in your mouth

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The two storage organelles are vacuoles and vesicles. Vesicles are found in animal cells, and vacuoles are found in plant and protest cells.

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Vacuoles are storage apparatuses in all cells where they are found.

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yes, rhizomes are thick, underground stems of a fern or other vascular plant; which often functions as an organ for food storage.

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What part of the potatoes plant do you eat?

the potato A potato is a tuber; a type of underground storage organ that the plant can use to store energy in the form of starch which is used as fuel while the above-ground portion of the plant is growing during the growing season. Tubers are not roots (potato eyes are the roots) and are not fruits (potato plant fruits are found on the above-ground portion.)

What organelle would you find in large numbers in the root cell of a plant?

Amyloplasts are organelles without any pigments found in some plant cells. Large numbers can be found in underground storage tissues of some plants, such as in potato tubers.Amyloplasts and chloroplasts are closely related, and amyloplasts can turn into chloroplasts; this is can be seen when potato tubers are exposed to light and turn green

What kind of stem is a tuber?

A tuber is a fleshy underground stem, it is the 'container' of reproduction and food storage. It bears buds from which a new plant will germinate. Such as potatoes for example