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Q: Why are mustard oil and olive oil preferred for heart patients?
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Black Olives are they bad for diabetics?

Yes, olive oil good for diabetic patients.

What turtles have heart shaped shells?

The Olive Ridley Species

What are the health benefits of olive oil?

There are many benefits to eating olive oil. Olive oil has been known to help protect the body against Heart disease. You can incorporate olive oil in your diet by substituting vegetable oil for olive oil.

Is Mustard Oil Healthier than Olive Oil?

Canola oil is better than Mustard oil ......Canola oil helps to reduce risk of High Blood Pressure, Bad Cholesterol, Coronary Heart Problems, Cancer, Memory Loss, Diabetes and also cures Indigestion.

Which baby sea turtle species has a heart shaped shell?

The loggerhead sea turtle has a heart shaped shell throughout it's whole life

Is olive oil a quick source of energy?

No, but it is a heart-healthy fat.

What kind of turtles have heart-shaped shells?

The Olive Ridley Species

How does the olive ridley turtle protect itself?

with his heart shaped tail

What are the ways one can use mustard seeds for delayed periods?

Mustard seeds have proven to be A remedy 4 irregular periods as well as infertility what some may not know is that it must always be consumed with another ingredient. One healthful concoction includes extra virgin olive oil infused with honey fermented mustard seeds.