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If they are not neutered, then that could be why they fight. Or maybe your house is too small for them to be comfortable and they are trying to claim their own territory. I suggest you get them neutered if they are not yet. Also, get some Comfort Zone or Feliway products. These help calm cats down.

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14y ago

It can happen any day but maybe you might want to think about they have grown and have got in a bod relationship so they are now having mood swings so no woories

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Q: Why are my cats that grew up together fighting each other now that they are adults?
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No. Another answer about Do cats huddle, different people might use the word huddle when they actually mean cuddle. Yes, cats love to huddle or cuddle together with other cats, dogs, and any other animal that will let it lay by him or her, even their human friends.

What kind of Cats that don't grow?

All cats grow, from newborns to older kittens to adults. Some cats are naturally quite small, but still grow and develop like any other animal.

A group of cats?

A group of cats is called a litter if they are kittens, and a clutter if they are adults.

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Like other cats, when young, they play fight with their siblings to learn the life skills they will need as an adult.

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My chickens and roosters and my two cats all get along really well together. If the chickens don't want the cats around they chase them out of the pen, other than that they they all get around together.

Why would a cat confront other cats right in the face?

Cats recognize each other be scent, so cats often go right up to each other and sniff each other when they meet. If the two cats like each other, often they will rub their cheeks together as well.

What is warrior cats all about?

Its about the clans of cats fighting to survive and the care of the clans.

Why do house cats lose in fights?

Because there not used to fighting and get spoiled. Barn or stray cats are used to fighting and so are much better.

Is it possible for 2 adult male cats who never lived together get along?

Yes cats can live with other cats but some cats are stubborn and don't like sharing their space. If your cat is a nice one it will probably welcome the new cat just as you do. It's all about personality. Animals have personalities just as people do. Some are more aggressive and territorial, whereas others are affectionate and quite happy to share their people.

My two cats are brothers why do they bite each other?

If the cats have reached sexual maturity (usually between 5-7 months of age), it is very likely they are fighting for territory and/or mates. If the cats are younger, however, they could simply be play fighting, which is a normal activity young animals engage in to learn survival skills.