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your mates care about you

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Q: Why are my mates trying to get me a girl?
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How do you tell if a girl likes your friend?

you can tell if a girl likes your friend because she is like trying to talk or pull him away from his mates and they are spending heaps of time together

Does a guy usually tell a girl if he likes her?

NO he doesn't but his mates might tell your mates and will tell you

Who is the girl in the life mates commercial?

Brittany Gray

How can you annoy your brother?

Easy! Embarrass him. Go and find him while he's near his mates (or even better, a girl he's trying to impress) and yell his pet name or something stupid, or say something like 'Oh, I managed to find your ballet costume for you' if it's his mates, or if it's a girl, say 'Oh, is this the girl you're always talking about?' and 'You've got a piccy of her on your bedroom wall, haven't you?' Works every time.

What do you do when you like a girl but she previously been out with two of your mates?

I would ask your "mates" for advice. Literally. You don't really know how the girl really is until you go out with her. You said that they were "previously" going out with her, that either means the girl is a bitch or your friends dont know how to handle a girl.

What should a person do when your loving person shows off about his girl mates?

The real question should be: How do I know whether to rub Vagisil on and around my nipples and lips when I have mosquito bites. Ask your girl mates this.

Why is your mum nasty to you when you ask her to let you go out with your mates?

Because she might be trying to protect you.

What can a 13 year old girl do for her birthday?

I'm thirteen too :) i would suggest a sleepover with Ur mates or going to the movies or bowling or going shopping then to a cafe with Ur mates that's what all of my mates have done and invited me to

Why do boys like more than 1 girl?

they like to change theri minds cus sum guys show of in front of their mates and if they hit on a girl their mates hate that guy will be picked on and then they hit on other girls to show that they are guys and guys are never focused on 1 girl

What does it mean when a girl grab you?

it mean that a girl was trying to get your attention or trying to fallin love with you

Why is your boyfriend always out with his mates and not on msn talking to you?

Either your boyfriend is planning something special for you, HE'S GAY, or he's trying to figure how to dump you nicely for a better looking sexy girl. or he just wants to spend guy time with his friends.

Should you ask out a girl you like when a couple of good mates say you shouldn't because it'll probaly end in heartbreak?

If you like her then yes. Even if it's for a short period of time. Enjoy the time with her. If your mates can't support then they are not good mates