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Driver insurance rates are higher for boys than for girls because it has been proven statistically that boys are more likely to get into car accidents than girls.

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Q: Why are new driver insurance rates so much higher for boys than for girls?
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Are car insurance rates higher in big cities?

Car insurance rates traditionally are not higher in big cities versus the same comparision in rural areas. The most important factor that determines car insurance rates are the habits of the driver.

Where can you get the best car insurance rates for a teenage driver?

The best car insurance rates for teens can be found by State Farm insurance. They have good student and good driver discounts that can lower rates by up to 40%.

Are insurance rates much higher this year than they were last year?

Insurance rates may increase or decrease depending on the driver's track record. Reckless driving leads to higher premiums, just as safe drivers often receive discounts and lower premiums.

Is car insurance a higher rate if I am a senior in high school?

Yes, auto insurance rates are higher for younger drivers. Rates are typically based on age, driving record and the replacement value of your car. Some companies will offer "good driver" or "good student" discounts.

Are van insurance rates higher than regular auto insurance?

Van insurance rates are higher than regular auto insurance rates, this is because of the fact that vans are very large. You can get van rates at Progressive, Geico, and many other auto insurance companies.

Do you get cheaper insurance rates with a cdl?

No. In fact, you're more likely to see higher insurance rates.

Can driver's ed lower insurance rates?

Yes, they can help lower insurance rates, but not usually by a lot. Also female insurance rates are usually lower than male ones.

Does car insurance cover car damage when driver fall a sleep at the wheel?

Full coverage generally means it doesn't matter what caused the damage. But if the driver is at fault, he/she will be liable for possible criminal charges and future insurance rates will be higher.

Which of these would not cause your insurance rates to be higher?

buying liability insurance

What is the recommended car insurance for a teen driver in Florida?

The state of Florida requires drivers to be insured for $100,000 liability and $10,000 medical which will not fully protect the car. Insurance rates depend on the car and the age and record of the driver, and they are considerably higher for teenagers.

Do red cars have higher insurance rates?

There is no insurance rating for "color of car".

How does a crash impact car insurance?

The result of the crash will be higher insurance rates. The rates will increase by a lot if your son is young.