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Q: Why are no p or S waves received in the shadow zone?
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Where are there no P waves or S waves?

Shadow zone

Which area of earth is unaffected by both p and s waves?

The Crust of the Earth

Why do S waves not come to the surface beyond the shadow zone?

S waves dont even reach the shadow zone because they are unable to penetrate the outer core. They are basically stopped by the shadow zone.

The shadow zone is caused by of waves as they travel through Earth.?

The shadow zone is caused by S-waves as they travel through Earth. S-waves, however, cannot travel through the outer core of the Earth, which is molten. This is because S-waves lose velocity when travelling through a liquid.

What is the area of the earth that is unaffected by both P and S waves?

The shadow zone

What is the area of the earth that is unaffected by both P S waves?

The shadow zone

Why is the s-wave shadow zone larger than the p- wave shadow zone?

S waves cannot pass through the outer core. P waves can pass through both outer and inner core.

Why no seismic waves detected at the shadow zone?

In shadow zone, seismograph does not record signals. For P-wave it is b/w 104-145 degress.These earthquake waves exhibit same properties as other waves like reflection, refraction etc.As core has denser matter so P-waves will bend inward and hences they will form a shadow zone. S-waves don't pass through liquid phase, core. So, shadow zone is larger here.

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An s-wave shadow zone is formed as seismic waves travel through the Earth's body. Which of the following statements does this s-wave shadow zone indicate?

Why is s wave shadow zone larger than the p wave shadow zone?

In simple terms the shadow zone of the S-wave is larger because of the Earth's liquid outer core. The S-wave cannot travel through the liquid outer core but the P-waves get refracted at the boundary between the mantle and the outer core. This is why the S-wave shadow zone is larger than the P wave shadow zone. P waves are refracted at the liquid outer core of the Earth, while S waves are attenuated or stopped entirely. This allows P waves to go "around" the core and reach locations on the far side of the Earth that are within the shadow of the S waves. -- A P-wave is a longitudinal wave with an alternating stretching and compressing motion in the direction of propagation. An S wave is a transverse wave with a vertical motion perpendicular to the direction of propagation. The shadow zone of a P-wave exists from 105 to 143 degrees (epicentral distance). This is caused by P waves meeting the liquid outer core and being refracted. Part of the P wave is also reflected by the outer core and as a result of the two, a shadow zone exists. The shadow zone of an S-wave exists from 105 to 180 degrees (epicentral distance). S-waves cannot travel through liquids at all so rather than being refracted by the liquid outer core and traveling through it, they are totally reflected, resulting in a shadow zone from 105 to 180 degrees.

What does the shadow zone have to do with earthquakes?

This is caused by the density variations in the earth which cause the velocity of seismic waves to change as they move between them which in turn causes refraction of the waves. Further to this, the earth's outer core is a liquid which prevents seismic S-waves from travelling through it. This leads to a zone on the opposite side of the earth from an earthquake where S-waves are not detected.

The shadow zone exists because?

sunlight blocks out S waves in certain regions.