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I am 22 an my husband is 52. I have no answer, people assume it is for money - he is a divorced father of 6 - what money??? I work full time and he is a stay at home father! Emotionally, they yearn for maturity,comfort, and security. A case could be made that they're looking for a father-figure, but not exclusively. An older man is more likely to treat a younger woman with great care, like a father would. Some young girls need that, so they seek older men. The same is true in the case of an older woman and a younger man. A la the Odipus complex.

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Q: Why are older women attracted to young men?
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Why are older women jealous of younger women?

Older women are jealous when older men are attracted to younger women. Older men are attracted to younger women because they are biologically more desirable. Women lose their ability to bear children at age 40-50, but men never lose their ability to father children. Because sexual desire is linked to the instinct to procreate, men are attracted to women who appear fit and able to bear children, regardless of how old the man is.

Why are some women attracted to grey haired men?

some of my friends say its because they look older and a lot of women like older men

Is it okay for younger women to date older men?

As long as both parties are consenting adults and there is mutual respect in the relationship, it can be okay for younger women to date older men. However, it's important to be mindful of power dynamics, potential differences in life goals, and societal judgments that may come with age gap relationships. Communication and understanding each other's perspectives are key to a healthy relationship.

Is it normal for a young man in his early 20s to feel attracted to women in their late 20s or early 30s?

Yes, it is perfectly normal for younger men to be attracted to older women in their mid 20's to mid 30's.

Why are older men attracted to younger women?

Some older men may be attracted to younger women due to biological factors such as fertility and vitality. Additionally, societal norms and media often portray younger women as more desirable, leading to this preference. It is important to note that preferences vary among individuals and not all older men are attracted to younger women.

What do Young men get out of relationships with older women?

Sex. Lots of it. Its the "Odepus Complex". The mythological young man named Odepus was jealous of his father's relationship with his mother, so he killed his father so he could marry his mother. Hence, young men attracted to older women subconsciously yearn for their mother. I guess you could say they're "motherf_ _ kers.

Who do older men have affairs with?

young and pretty women that tend to give up lots of attention and appreciate them more^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^The above answer is false. The reason older men are attracted to younger women is because a younger woman not only helps him feel younger but also boosts his ego. The younger woman is a trophy.This can also be said of older women pursuing younger men but it's not as common.

Is it wrong to be sexually attracted to older women?

Actually, it's not wrong to be. Most men are attracted to older women because they are more experienced about life, relations, etc. But for whatever reason, it's not wrong to be :)

What do you call young men who date older women?

Young men who date older women are often called "cougar hunters" or "cubs."

Why are girls and women attracted to older men in general?

Maturity, more money, and looking for Dad

Is it acceptable to have a girlfriend who is 6 years older than you?

Of Course! In fact, it is probably even better, as men are immature and need someone that can balance that. Men seem to be very attracted to older women, and the cliche that only men can date younger women is dying out. Honestly, i hate older men!

Why young men like older women?

Honestly, young men like older women because of the fact that they are mature females with fully developed body parts, its a sexual attraction. Men also like getting women that are hard to get, many guys like a challenge.