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Cows are already female, there's no need to put the added adjective to the word "cows." And I believe you already answered the question already: it's because they are female, which enables them to give birth to young (called a calf) and give milk to feed and nurse that calf. It's like asking why your mother is the one required to produce milk for your baby sister or brother (or even for yourself when you were a baby) and not your father. It's because your mother is female and she has been given the "tools" needed for the job to produce milk for you or your baby sibling. A male cannot do this job: all his requirements are to mate with her to produce more young.

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Q: Why are only female cows required to produce milk?
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What cows produce milk?

All cows (mature female bovines) produce milk.

Does the gender of a cow affect the fat in its milk?

only female cows can produce milk

Do all female cows become dairy milk produces?

No, only the "female cows" do. Male "cows" are not cows. They are bulls or steers, which do not produce milk. Female bovines that have had a calf (or at least two) are called cows and those cows produce milk. Young female bovines that have not had a calf are called heifers, and they are not able to produce milk because they have not had a calf yet.

What kind of cows do not produce milk?

All cows (those female bovines that have had at least 1 calf) produce milk, whether it's for human consumption or not. However, "dry cows" are cows that do not produce milk, whether they are bred or open and don't have a calf at side.

Is it possible to mass produce breast milk like we do cow or goats milk.?

No. Female humans do not have the capacity to produce that much milk. Humans are not cows.

Are female beef cows milk cows?

No. Cows are female, they're mature female bovines that have had a calf. Beef cows are genetically selected to produce more beefy frames than dairy cows are, and thus only produce enough milk for their calves. Beef cows are typically not selected for increased milk quantity like other dairy breeds are (including Holstein, Jersey and Brown Swiss), and thus, unlike dairy cows, do not produce so much milk that their one calf can't drink it all at one nursing.

Do cows have to give birth to give milk?

Yes they do. Cows giving milk is as natural as they come: ALL female mammals, after giving birth, produce milk.

Where in the world do cows produce most milk?

Cows produce more milk in new zealand.

Do cows lay eggs or milk duds?

Cows don't lay eggs, or milk duds. Cows have calves and produce milk. Bulls produce semen to fertilize the cows.

What kind of sheep produce milk?

Male "cows" are not cows. They are bulls or steers, which do not produce milk. Female bovines that have had a calf are called cows and those cows produce milk. Young female bovines that have not had a calf are called heifers, and they are not able to produce milk because they have not had a calf yet.

What cows produce a lot of milk?

holsteins.they are black and white cows

Do female oxen produce milk that is consumed by humans?

Absolutely! There's nothing that says humans can't drink milk from female oxen. A large number of people who train cows for work and have them for dairy do this.