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because they are type of plants that belong in grass like soil environments

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Q: Why are pampus grass in grassland biomes?
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What plants live in grassland biomes?

well mostly grass

What do you see on grassland biomes?

animals and flowers also grass

Is Argentina's Pampus grassland temperate?


grassland of argentina?

Pampus as the photo shows

What are the dominate plants of the desert biomes and the dominate grassland biomes?

The dominant plants of the desert biomes would depend on what desert you are referring to. In the Mojave, for instance, the more dominant plants would be cacti, mesquite trees and Joshua trees. In other deserts, only sand exists. The dominant plants of the grassland biomes is grass.

What makes animals in the grasslands different then animals?

Grassland animals eat grass. the other animals that are grassland animals like cheetahs that dont eat grass eat other grassland animals like gazzelles. grassland animals also need the temperature of the grasslands. Different animals live in different biomes.

With the aid of an appropriate map, explain the types of biomes in Ghana?

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What detroys grassland biomes?

meteors and lava

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