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The dominant plants of the desert biomes would depend on what desert you are referring to. In the Mojave, for instance, the more dominant plants would be cacti, mesquite trees and Joshua trees. In other deserts, only sand exists.

The dominant plants of the grassland biomes is grass.

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Q: What are the dominate plants of the desert biomes and the dominate grassland biomes?
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What plants live in grassland biomes?

well mostly grass

What are species of plants and animals live in the desert?

The savannah and the desert are two distinct biomes. There is no 'savanah desert.' The savanna is a transition zone between a desert and a grassland or forest and receives more rainfall on average than a true desert.

What do grassland biomes have in common with deserts?

They both are hot and grow plants.

What are the dominate plants and dominate wildlife in a grassland biome?

trees many trees,insects mammal

What is a desert biome?

I can't directly put into words what it is, but I think I can explain it a bit.First off, it'll help to know what a biome is. A biome is a region of Earth that has a particular climate and certain types of plants.There are many types of biomes. Rainforest biomes, Tundra biomes, Savanna biomes, Grassland biomes, Taiga biomes, Temperate biomes and Desert biomes.So, basically, when you are talking about a desert biome, you're talking about all the deserts on Earth.AND REMEMBER! Deserts are not always hot! There are colddeserts too!

How are the worlds major biomes defined?

Biomes are climatically and geographically defined similar climatic conditions communities of plants, animals, and soil organisms, and are often referred to as ecosystems. There are 6 biomes and they are tundra, tagia, grassland, desert, tropical rainforest, and decious forest.

What type of plants live in the desert?


Why are pampus grass in grassland biomes?

because they are type of plants that belong in grass like soil environments

What types of plants and animals are there in grassland biomes?

Well it is really hard to say this question so ummmmksdgugjgfgydgjnhgffghdhfhdgfdhfgdhgfhfhdghfghdfghd there is my answer

What is the similarities between Rainforest Savanna and Desert?

Deserts are hot and rainforests are temperate.

What are the different types of bio-mes?

The different types of biomes are: *Taiga *grassland *chaparral *deciduous forest *tundra *tropical rainforest *desert *alpine *Savannah there are 9 biomes *subantartic *temperate forest ***Biomes are catergorised by their weather, animals and plants. All the places in the world don't have the same weather, animals and plants, therefore can not be the same biome. Example- The Ice Cap Biome is cold and the Desert Biome is hot.

What are all of the biomes?

The different types/kinds of biomes are:Desser, Savannah, Tundra, Temperate Coniferous Forest, Temperate Deciduous Forest, Tiaga Forest, Tundra, Grassland, Tropical Rain Forest, Fresh Water, Mangrove, and Coral Reef.