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Q: Why are pandas less aggressive than black bears?
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It's just a saying, but brown bears could be clumsy.

American black bear vs Asian black bear?

An Asiatic Black Bear has less fur than a sloth bear on its head and does not have any marks on its head. Sloth bears climb trees like sloths do, and sloth bears have claws like sloths do. Asiatic black bears are more aggressive and dangerous than sloth bears.

What is the most aggressive bear?

Despite being the smallest of all the bears, the sun bear is probably the most aggressive, and will attack without provocation. Relatively, they also have the largest canines of all the bears, although their diet is less carnivorous than some of their cousins.

Where are the caves where black bears live?

Black bears normally don't live in caves unless they're hibernating. Where they live is in the wild, where humans are far less apt to find or venture to.

What is the effect on a panda's ecosystem when the pandas are killed?

There will be a lot less pandas

Why are black and white pandas becoming extinct?

Because humans cut down bamboo forests and is producing less bamboo for the panda's to eat

Do black bears eat wolves?

A black bear can eat a lone wolf, but since wolves live in packs, the black bear would prefer not to. When it comes to carrion fights, black bears will attack wolves and sometimes drive them away.

Why are humans a problem for giant pandas?

Well, the pandas that don't live in zoos or sanctuaries live in rainforests. Pandas eat the bamboo in these forests. People are cutting down bamboo trees to make land for farms, ranches,homes, etc. So, pandas are getting less and less bamboo to eat.

When have the greatest numbers of the pandas population been lost?

There were less than 1000 Giant Pandas in the year 1987

If you have your dog neutered will he be less aggressive?

Not necessarily. They will still be aggressive to other animals because of their territory and they may not stop being aggressive.

What is the population of giant pandas?

There are less than 1000 pandas left.There are currnetlym 57 left in the wild and 14 in captivity

Do pandas eat apples?

No, pandas have an almost exclusive diet of bamboo (which is a type of grass). They have been known to eat yams, oranges, and bananas (among other things), however, this makes up less than 1% of their diet where bamboo makes up 99+%.