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Advertising and peer pressure usually get them to try it out for the first time. After a few tries, it has a pleasant, stimulating effect. After a few more tries, since it contains one of the most addictive substances known, it is no longer a conscious option.

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Q: Why are people attracted to tobacco?
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What is the short term positive effects of tobacco and chewing tobacco?

The nicotine in tobacco constricts the blood vessels, giving a person a "buzz." Unlike cigarettes, smokeless tobacco companies are legally allowed to put flavors into the tobacco, such as apple, cherry, wintergreen, mint, citrus, etc. It is illegal for cigarette companies to put flavor like those into the cigarettes, so underage people are less attracted to them.

Why are people attracted to girls who have a camel toes?

People are not attracted body features. But people are attracted to personality and character.

Why is tobacco called tobacco?

tobacco means killing people

The Virginia Company attracted new settlers to its colony after 1609 by?

It was easy to farm tobacco and easy to live there.

What makes tobacco?

People make tobacco. People grow the tobacco plant, pick the leaves, the leaves are dried and cut and this is what we call tobacco.

What is tobacco prevention?

preventing the sales of tobacco. Tobacco can kill people A very lucrative career.

How many people die from tobacco in Louisiana?

people die everyday in louisiana from tobacco use.

Is smoking tobacco will kill people a fact?

Yes, many people will die as a direct result of smoking tobacco or by being exposed to the smoke produced by other people smoking tobacco.

How do people get hooked to smokeless tobacco?

It has in nicotine in it. That's what makes people get hooked on every tobacco product.

Do people smoke tobacco every where?

Yes almost in every country & state people smoke tobacco....

What is gold attracted to?

Gold is quite inert, and not attracted to anything. Many people, however, are very attracted to gold.

Where did tobacco first come from?

Tobacco came from plants. Tobacco came from plants because, back in the day people thought growing tobacco was important to their lives.