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Q: Why are people becoming concerned about mosquitoes in the US?
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How can you check the growth of mosquitoes around us?

we can check the growth of mosquitoes around us by using all out

Are there mosquitoes in the US?

Trillions and trillions of them :(

Do mosquitoes drink mammals blood?

Not from drinking your blood. As far as booze is concerned, alcohol is a nerve poison and would probably kill a creature that size before it had a chance to get drunk. There is also the question of whether its brain is that complex, but I leave that to people with more entomological knowledge than I.

Why are people concerned and upset about the US version of Skins but not the UK version?


Who is the US army surgeon who proved the transmission of a yellow fever by mosquitoes?

Walter Reed is the US army surgeon who proved the transmission of a yellow fever by mosquitoes.

How does the mosquitoes find us?

Detects out carbon dioxide

Could mosquitoes kill us?

yea if they have malairia

How many sales people are there in the US?

There are 18 million sales people in the US. Sales jobs are becoming harder to fill as there are less people willing to do them.

What were the US concerned about the development in Vietnam?

The US was concerned about the development of Communism in Vietnam

Can you eat mosquitoes?

I think we can't eat mosquitoes because they are too small for us to eat!

Some people are concerned that genetically engineered crop plants would?

Take over the world and enslave humankind. And some people are concerned that the events of September 11, 2001 were a US government conspiracy. And some people are concerned that UFO's are real and the government is trying to hide it. Come on, people, get a grip on reality.

How many species of mosquitoes are known to exist in the US?

20 million