

Why are people called computer nerds?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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13y ago

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No one is quite sure exactly where the word "nerd" came from. There was an earlier word "nert", meaning "stupid or crazy person", that was a variant on the word "nut," and this may have mutated further into"nerd."

Other speculations on the origin include:

  • Mortimer Snerd, Edgar Bergen's dummy
  • Knurd, drunk spelled backward, referring to people who would rather study than party
  • Northern Electric Research and Development laboratories (most etymologies involving acronyms are simply false, but "nerd" didn't appear until the mid-20th century... late enough for the acronym theory to be at least semi-plausible)
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Because we are smarter and hated Because nerds are smarter in some cases. however in others you're pretending to be a nerd by saying you are. Being called a nerd may be a compliment; however, some people may get offended by it. I've been called a nerd before:P

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Not everyone hates nerds! Really people think nerds are people that are smart, is it not better to be clever, and get a good education that to be stupid and things? Ignore people that think nerds are freaks and things, its not true, you are the same as everyone else which is important! You dont need people who bring you down! :)

Name 2 ''nerds'' famous for their contribution to the computer?

Sheleece and shannon