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People from Connecticut are called Nutmeggers because nutmeg is our state spice. And I suppose because Connecticutter is hard to say.

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Q: Why are people from Connecticut called Nutmeggers?
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What do they call people from Connecticut?

they call them nutmeggers that's why one of its nicknames is the nutmeg state

What do you call someone from Connecticut?

Officially, a Connecticut resident is called a Connecticuter. People from Connecticut are most often called Nutmeggers, if a demonym is called for.They are more likely to call themselves by the more regional Yankee, or even New Englanders, as so many are transplants from surrounding states. For example, in the 1960s and 1970s there was a large amount of immigration from Maine.Connecticutians has a small following, indicated by its inclusion in the Merriam-Webster online open dictionary.

Why visit Connecticut?

To try and figure out what people from Connecticut are called. No one knows. Not even them.

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Why is the Connecticut warbler called the Connecticut warbler?

It is called the Connecticut Warbler because the first specimen was collected in Connecticut and it's a type of warbler.

What are people who live in Connecticut called?

Connecticuts. If it was anything else it would not make sense.

Where do most people in Connecticut live?

Fartford has the most people in Connecticut

What province is Connecticut in?

Connecticut is a state. I have searched, and cannot find a community in Canada called "Connecticut"

What are 3 tourists in Connecticut?

people who want to see Connecticut

Who were the important people of Connecticut?

Thomas Hooker founded Connecticut.

Is New Haven Connecticut in USA?

yes people because Connecticut is

What is the population in Connecticut in 2008?

The population of Connecticut as of 2008, 3,501,252 people.