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There are many reasons why people tend to act mean. Some people feel good when you feel bad and it gives them power over you and others. Some don't try to be mean, sometimes it is as complicated as not being able to control emotions. Often, the urge to treat others mean or unfairly comes from having someone in the subjects life, display the behaviorism's that you see and call mean - yet that is not always the case. Some mean people were loved and raised as good as they could have been. Sometimes being mean is a choice. Emotional and psychological damaged people often display outbursts and rage when they don't have a grasp on their feelings. Mean people often mention being in a situation that may have hardened them or caused them to feel victimized and therefore they feel as if they will make every possible attempt to never fall victim again. Studies have found negative effect of being mean. Being mean does not effect the person carrying it out. Negative effects are also shown on the subjects that are receiving from mean people. Heightened anger can often assist in high blood-pressure, anxiety, stroke and heart attack, eventually leading to death.

Mean people can overcome being mean.

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1mo ago

People can be mean to others for a variety of reasons, such as insecurity, jealousy, past experiences, or seeking power and control. It is important to remember that a person's behavior is often a reflection of their own internal struggles and emotions, and not always a true depiction of the person they are targeting.

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13y ago

They are closed-minded. They have nothing to say of themselves so they look down at other people and see what they're about or what they think they know. People are just people. It doesn't matter which way or the other, it can be from upraising. A horrible childhood, a bad mood or attitude. It can even be jealousy. There are many reasons. You see, people are sometimes mean to me, but I'm always strong enough not to listen to them. Because all they want to know is that it bothers you. Everybody gets hurt. You're not alone. All you need to know is that they're the one being messed up and worthless, and that you are a better person than them. Don't listen to the nasty, brutal things they have to say about you, move on. Don't waste your time on those people.

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13y ago

The thing is they want to show how they feel by expressing them-self and they are sure to feel like that some time ago too!!!

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12y ago

Mean people have mean thoughts, they see meanness, because that's what they are looking for. You usually find what you are looking for!

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Q: Why are people mean sometimes to other people?
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How can people be so mean?

People are mean normally if they're in a bad mood, have been mean to or something similar to this!! People are in bad moods often and I'm sometimes in a bad mood myself but my friends and family will remind me not to take it out on other people, but some people can't help it, and have a tendency of taking it out on other people. If you ever do this or if I ever do this I hope you apologize or try to remember to.. Or,, just try not to even be mean!! People have feelings and it hurts when they get hurt!!

What does of the people mean?

"Of the people" typically refers to something that relates to or belongs to the general population or citizens as a whole. It signifies collective ownership, involvement, or representation of a group rather than an individual.

Do people like other people?

Yes, people have the capacity to like other people based on shared interests, personality traits, and emotional connections. Establishing friendships and forming meaningful relationships are common ways in which people show their affection for others.

Why do people move to new places?

People move to new places for various reasons, such as job opportunities, seeking a better quality of life, being closer to family or friends, experiencing a different culture or environment, or for personal growth and exploration. Each individual's motivation for moving can be unique and influenced by their personal circumstances and goals.

Why are people mean to other people?

People can be mean to others for a variety of reasons, including feeling insecure, seeking power or control, experiencing jealousy, or lashing out due to their own personal struggles or frustrations. It's important to remember that someone's behavior is often a reflection of their own internal issues, rather than something the recipient of the meanness has caused.

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How can people be so mean?

People are mean normally if they're in a bad mood, have been mean to or something similar to this!! People are in bad moods often and I'm sometimes in a bad mood myself but my friends and family will remind me not to take it out on other people, but some people can't help it, and have a tendency of taking it out on other people. If you ever do this or if I ever do this I hope you apologize or try to remember to.. Or,, just try not to even be mean!! People have feelings and it hurts when they get hurt!!

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You shouldn't bother spending time with people who are rude to you.

Why can people be so mean?

People are sometimes mean because they like watching people get hurt or be in pain. It comes to satisfaction to them to see it happen.

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Well some people are funny at times: Sometimes they are mean sometimes nice and ya. If they do that, that means they are not normal people they are crazy. That is kinda called EMOTIONAL. They change their feelings all the time! If you do it more and more, that will b yr habit