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B/c it's really hard to give accurat predictions of when it's going to happen.

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Q: Why are people often surprised when a volcano erupts?
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What is a volcano which erupts very often called?

its called an acgi

What natural disaster often occurs along with a volcano?

Landslides often happen after volcanic eruptions because of all the shaking the volcano does while it erupts....

What type of boundary is a shield volcano?

is the type of volcano that often erupts with a mix of stream,ash,rock and dust causing a pyroclastic folw

What is volcano that erupts often?

Volcanic activity is classified by how often a volcano erupts. A volcano may be active, intermittent, dormant, or extinct.Active volcanoes erupt constantly.Intermittent volcanoes erupt fairly regularly.Dormant volcanoes are inactive, but not long enough to determine whether they will erupt again or not.Extinct volcanoes have been inactive since the beginning of recorded history.

How often do geysers erupt?

It erupts about every 92 minutes. The eruption lasts between 1.5 to 5 minutes.

What is a shield of a volcanos?

is the type of volcano that often erupts with a mix of stream,ash,rock and dust causing a pyroclastic folw

Why is rhyolite found in Yellowstone National Park?

Yellowstone is the site of a very large volcano that is often referred to as a supervolcano. Much of what it erupts is rhyolite.

What is called in a volcanoes that is not erupting?

You've got to be kidding me. A volcano that erupts often is called a cinder cone volcano, a volcano that does not erupt at all is called a shield volcano, and a volcano that can erupt but doesn't is a composite volcano. Here is the chart. Cinder cone: eruption Shield: dead Composite: sleep Hope you use my answer wisely. NOOBS!

Do volacnoes erupt as often as earthquakes happen?

no because earthquakes are from mountains split into two sides and the volcano erupts when the crust cant hold the heat from the core

What happends when a volcano erups?

This can depend on the volcano but generally they can eject substances like soot and ash in the air, lava from the mantle and magma chambers, also rocks can break apart from the volcano causing landslides.

How did the 1902 eruption help the fertile soil?

Volcanic ash is rich in nutrients needed by plants. When a volcano erupts, it often spreads ash in a large area around it, fertilizing the soil.

What is a geographical fissure?

A geographical fissure is a fracture or crack in rock which has a distinct separation. On a volcano, it is an elongated crack at the surface from which lava erupts. Fissures often contain mineral-bearing materials.