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because they can't drop that thun thun thun

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Q: Why are people who are affected by communicable diseases told not to travel on airplanes?
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Why is there so much emphasis nowadays on non communicable diseases?

The reason for this is because there is a high rate of cases for non-communicable diseases that are often neglected by a lot of people today. The non-communicable diseases, often those that are incurable raise the number of death amongst people today.

What is the impact of toilet seats on the spread of communicable diseases?

People could have different diseases and put their butt on the seat

What are effects of non-communicable disease on the family and society?

If a country is disease prone like Africa. Then the economy is affected because if many people in the country have disease then they can't work, so if people can't work they can't provide a service for the country in turn affecting the country's economy

Why is isolation important for patients suffering from communicable diseases?

If a disease is communicable, that means that it can be spread from person to person. Isolation is important for people with communicable diseases so that the disease does not spread to other people and cause an epidemic.

What is the most desired form of death?

The most common answer I get when asking people this is 'old age'. But 'old age' is not a scientific classification of a type of death. The most common form of death at the moment is by non-communicable disease, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease or respiratory diseases. So, once we have 'won the battle' against these non-communicable diseases, and assuming that communicable diseases do not start killing more people, what will we be dying from?

How has quarantine decreased the spread of communicable disease?

Quarantine is the practice of isolating a sick person from people who are not sick. Quarantine decreases the spread of communicable diseases by limiting the amount of people who are exposed to airborne germs.

Why are more people dying now from non-infectious diseases than before?

Non communicable diseases, such as cancer, are not contagious and are therefor not passed from person to person. Communicable diseases such as TB or AIDS can be passed around from person to person. So of course, that would be the reason for the spreading.

What is impact of toilet seat on the spread of communicable disease?

People could have different diseases and put their butt on the seat

How to prevent Non Infectious diseases?

Non-communicable diseases are not a problem. Obviously.For communicable diseases then clean is the word, A communicable disease pretty much requires that you will get it from Touch or breathing or consuming infected materials.Even things we seldom think about are portals to communicable diseases, someone sneezes on a table in a restaurant & you put your food there 5 minutes later, or coughs into their hand & uses the handrail on a stairway & you walk up behind them.Wash your hands a lot, make sure you food is well prepared & stay away from people with coughs and known diseases.

Differentiate communicable and non communicable disease?

A communicable disease is a disease that can be transmitted from one person to another. A contagious disease is a communicable disease that is transmitted to many individuals quickly and easily; highly infectious. For example, the pathogen which causes Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever can be spread to people through a tick bite. RMSF is not considered contagious, but it is communicable. Something like impetigo or the common cold is considered to be contagious.

What is the difference between infectious diseases and communicable diseases?

Communicable diseases are those diseases, which can be transferred from one person to another. They include the infectious diseases, which are caused by various infections by microorganisms. They are also communicable.

What are examples of noncommunicable disease?

Communicable means spreadbale. I.e. bacteria and viurses are 'Infectious Diseases' and can therefore spread between people. Non 'spreadble' diseases are things like cancer, Asthma, Pagets disease, ulcerative colitis.. the list is practically endless. False