

Why are piranhas dangerous?

Updated: 9/13/2023
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12y ago

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The piranhas will kill and eat any animal alive in water in large groups.

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Q: Why are piranhas dangerous?
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Are piranhas more dangerous than sharks?

Depending on the species of shark and the number of piranhas, supposedly piranhas could be more dangerous. What makes piranhas so dangerous is the fact that they swim in schools of 100 strong. Even so, both animals are misunderstood because of movies like Jaws and Piranhas. Both animals should be treated with respect.

Are pirhannas more dangerous than sharkes?

both can be as dangerous as they attack when they smell blood in the water. However as piranhas hunt in groups of up to 20 i believe piranhas are more dangerous.

Are there really piranhas?

yes, but not as dangerous as the ones in pirahnas 3D

When are piranhas most dangerous?

They aren't.Although they can be dangerous on feeding frenzies, they do not normally attack people. Sharks are far more dangerous to people.

What is the most dangores fresh water fish?

Piranhas are freshwater and quite dangerous.

What is a piranhas color?

it has so many colors , and so beautiful , but it is so dangerous for us . keep away from them

How do you find the bait for the piranhas on dangerous hunts 2009?

after you rescue the woman,you head to a piranha-infested pond then the cabybra runs through the bush after shooting the rodent go back to the pond with piranhas and trough it in the pond and trough it

What is the most a piranha can weigh?

Piranhas are one of the most aggressive and dangerous fish for an aquarium. Generally, they will beat on each other 'till only one is left. Piranhas in length can be18 inches, and its weight can get to over 5 pounds.

Do piranhas eat anteaters?

An adult anaconda will eat a piranha if it is a small group. A very large group would be too dangerous.

What is worse a piranha or a shark?

A lot! Obviously they are both fish, but sharks are members of the class Chondrichthyes (or cartilaginous fish) and piranhas belong to Osteichthyes (bony fish), along with the majority of fish species. They are taxonomically separated after phylum, so pretty early on in the system. There are more physical differences, such as the fact that most sharks are salt water and piranhas live in fresh water, but that is the biggest difference.

How long do piranhas get?

As long as piranhas get.

Are piranhas good swimmers?

piranhas are very good swimmersbaby piranhas are learners on swimming