

Why are planes so expensive?

Updated: 12/2/2022
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Q: Why are planes so expensive?
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Why were Concorde planes stopped?

to expensive to build and to maintenance, also one ticket costed 10,000+ dollars. so there were no customers.

How do you buy planes?

Planes are too expensive to buy. You'll need to have lots of money to buy an aircraft.

What are facts on planes?

Airlines are always late with their planes. Airplanes fly not by air, but by $$$ money. Pilots do not get paid enough to fly planes. Airplane fuel is to expensive.

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It is too expensive, too heavy and not a suitable material for most applications.

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planes were made so people can travel from country to country.

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due to its long range in air to baetout steady planes. Also, it's stock is not made from wood so the replicas both look good and are less expensive than say a dragunov.

How much did fighter planes cost to produce in the 1920s?

In the 1920's, fighter planes cost about 50,000 per plane to produce. However, some were as expensive as 1.5 million dollars to produce.

What are the planes called in London Heathrow?

There are so many that they can't give them all names.

What is the lowest price of an airplane?

The lowest price maybe at least 5000$. Planes that are cheaper than this dont usually do good. The most expensive planes may cost up to a few million dollars.

What was the offensive strategy for the nagasaki bombing?

There were three planes so the Japanese did not think more than the planes were just weather planes. They were mistaken.

Explain why planes cant be skew.?

Planes are flat and 2D so they cannot be skew. Hope this helps :]