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Water is essential for life. Most of Egypt is covered with deserts. That's why most life forms are found near Nile.

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Q: Why are plants and animals in Egypt limited mostly to areas along the Nile River?
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What are all the animals in ancient Egypt?

mostly birds

What are ancient Egypt marsh animals?

Some animals are crocodiles, hippopotamus, and plants are papyrus

What animals and plants live in Egypt dessert?

lizards and cacti

Where would you find plants and animals in Egypt?

in jungles ,forests,and etc

What are some interesting plants and animals found in Egypt?

Sorry, we don't know this answer.

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Yes, nearly all the Congo is rain forest.Oh course they do,most of the rain forests are in the south of Africa.

How did Nile shaped Egypt?

It helped with water source and without water people, plants, and animals will die

How did the Nile and the surrounding area help protected Egypt?

The Nile river provided fish and supported plants and animals. The Egyptians, the Nile was precious gift to Egypt

How did the Nile and the surroundings area help protect Egypt?

The Nile river provided fish and supported plants and animals. The Egyptians, the Nile was precious gift to Egypt

How did the nile shape ancient egypt?

It helped with water source and without water people, plants, and animals will die

What animals were found in Egypt?

the animals that were found in egypt were cats