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Plants are a type of vegetation and do not contain meat, meaning that they are vegetarian-friendly.

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Because they are vegetables. Vegetarians avoid animal products.

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Q: Why are plants considered vegetarian?
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Why plants are not considered as non vegetarian food?

Non-vegetarian food would be something containing meat. Since plants do not contain meat, they are considered vegetarian.

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people can be omnivores, because we eat meat and plants, or herbivores, if the person is vegetarian.

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Yes, the desert tortoise is a vegetarian, it eats only plants.

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Squirrels can be considered vegetarian in that they naturally eat various seeds, nuts, and plants. Squirrels in kore urban areas may also eat food scraps left out by people, too.

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Vegetarian biotin is derived from plants or synthetically made, instead of derived from chickens and cows milk.

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Plants such as grass and Berries. Rhino's are vegetarian.

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They were vegetarian and ate ferns, shrubs, and other plants

Are hippo's vegetarian?

Yes. They eat plants, mainly grass.

Do consumers obtain oxygen by eating plants or organisms that have eaten plants?

consumers take in oxygen by both the ways. in where for a vegetarian it will be only obtaining oxygen by eating plant and for a non - vegetarian it will be both the ways .

Are McDonald's fries vegetarian?

In the United States they use a beef byproduct to flavor the fries, so it would not be considered vegetarian.

What do you call an animal which eats both plants and animals?

A consumer that eats both plants and animals is called a omnivore. You may even be an omnivore if you eat meat and veggies. Also if you are NOT a vegetarian. No offence if you are a vegetarian.

Is there such a thing as a vegetarian vampire?

No. Vampires are not real so there cannot be a vegetarian vampire. Also vampires drink blood and plants don't have blood so a vegetarian vampire would soon die of starvation.