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Q: Why are plastic wraps a negative charge?
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Islam is all ways strong so the plastic wraps also have to be

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Which website sells the cheapest plastic wrap?

There is no websites sell cheapest plastic wraps. The best place to buy plastic wraps is Walmart, dollar stores, and when supermarket on sale, they usually have the cheapest prices.

If a plastic ruler is rubbed with a cloth does the ruler obtain a positive charge?

Because electrons will be transferred from the cloth to the insulating rod. But the charge will be negative.

Can you give me a list of plastic wraps from strongest to weakest?


What are plastic wraps made of?

Poly vinnil --- compount. or polyester

What is the charge of anion?

A cation has a positive charge and an anion has a negative charge.

What charge is a negative?

A charge which is not a positive charge is a negative charge.

Why does a charged glass rod attract charged plastic straw?

it is becuase when a glas rod charged by rubbing a cloth it aquires positive charge and when a plastic straw is charged by rubbing a cloth it aquires negative charge. Therefore a charged glass rod attracts a charged plastic rod.

What is the negative charge in atoms?

Electrons have an electrical negative charge.

What charge electron charge positive or negative?

Electrons carry a negative charge to balance out the positive charge of the proton.