

Why are plastics versatile in nature?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Why are plastics versatile in nature?
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Why plastics versatile in nature?

the plastics are versatile because they're composed of organic condensation.

Why are plastics so versatile?

by melting plastic

Why plastics are more versatile than wood or metal?

It is versatile because it is made of organic compounds

Is plastics are non corrosive in nature?


Why are plastics used for making some parts of electric irons?

Plastics are cheap, versatile, and easy to shape, which is why many household appliances have them. They also do not conduct electricity, which is another plus for electrical devices.

Why alcohol are versatile compou?

Alcohols are versatile in nature because it can react both as electrophiles and nucleophiles according to the cleavage of bonds between them(i.e. O-H or C-O bond).

2. Which property of plastics makes them so useful but also makes them environmental hazard?

it is biodegradle in nature

How many products are made with plastics?

Plastics is a most versatile product. We find types of plastic in cloths, cars, electronics, kitchen, toys, playgrounds, ropes, ships, boats, aeroplanes, spacecrafts. There are so many products made with plastics that I have given up trying to count them all. It is like a similar question of "How many products are made with metal". Unfortunately quite impossible to give an accurate answer.

Three materials that do not come from nature but are very important to use?

These are 1- plastics, 2- synthetic fibers and 3- glass

Give examples to show that plastics are non corrosive in nature?

They can be placed safely inside the body, such as with false teeth, eyes etc.

How plastics are noncorrosive in nature?

Plastics are made from large polymers containing strong bonds, so theyre pretty unreactive. like plastic tubs in microwaves, if it was fairly reactive and weak, it might have melted or exploded.

What is the comparative and superlative of versatile?

comparative: more versatile superlative: most versatile