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As opposed to an EX [as in expel] -ergonic chemical reaction, endergonic reactions absorb energy.

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13y ago
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1w ago

Polymerization reactions are endergonic because they involve the formation of large molecules (polymers) from smaller monomer units, which requires the input of energy to overcome the activation energy barrier for bond formation. This energy input is needed to drive the reaction forward and build the polymer chain.

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9y ago

Photosynthesis takes in light energy and stores it as sugar. This process takes more energy than it releases, making it an endergonic reaction.

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13y ago

They reduce entropy

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Compare and contrast between exergonic and endergonic reactions?

Exergonic reactions release energy, while endergonic reactions require energy input. Exergonic reactions tend to be spontaneous and release heat, while endergonic reactions are non-spontaneous and absorb heat. Both types of reactions are involved in cellular metabolism and are essential for biological processes.

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Exergonic reactions release energy and are spontaneous, while endergonic reactions require energy input and are non-spontaneous. ATP is used to drive endergonic reactions by providing the necessary energy for them to occur. ATP is regenerated through exergonic reactions by capturing the energy released during these reactions.

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Joining two glucose molecules to make maltose is an endergonic reaction because it requires energy input to form a bond between the two molecules.

Is an enzyme a source of energy for endergonic reactions?

Enzymes themselves are not sources of energy. Instead, enzymes facilitate endergonic reactions by lowering the activation energy required for the reaction to occur, making the reaction more favorable. The energy for endergonic reactions typically comes from other sources, such as the hydrolysis of ATP.

Do endergonic reactions release energy?

No they do not. An endergonic reaction requires a net input of energy to force it to occur.

Do endergonic reactions absorb more energy than they release?

Yes, endergonic reactions absorb more energy than they release because it is positive energy which is absorbed.

Photosynthesis is an endergonic reaction. Why?

As opposed to an EX [as in expel] -ergonic chemical reaction, endergonic reactions absorb energy.

Which of these reactions requires a net input of energy from its surroundings?


WhAT reactions requires a net input of energy from its surroundings?

Endothermic reactions require a net input of energy from their surroundings to proceed. These reactions absorb heat from their surroundings, resulting in a decrease in temperature of the surroundings.

What types of reactions is photosynthesis?

endergonic reaction

What reactions are coupled in aerobic respiration?

The reactions which are coupled in aerobic respiration are known as endergonic reactions. Different amounts of ATP are produced in these reactions.

In cells endergonic reactions are often coupled with enzymatic reactions that store energy True or false?
