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Ball pythons in particular have rather sharp teeth and thick teeth.

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7y ago

Pythons squeeze their prey to death. So if they wrap around your neck, they could strangle you.

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Q: Why are pythons so dangerous?
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Are carpet pythons dangerous?


Are african rock pythons dangerous?

Yes. They will eat ANYTHING!

Are pythons veomous?

No, pythons are constrictors, so they do not have venom.

What is more dangerous pythons or boas?

They are the same because they both have enough power to kill a human but in my opinion I think the Boa is more dangerous.

Are pythons venimous?

They are not dangerous. There diet consists of small mammals, bats, birds and lizards.

What is the purpose of pythons color?

the purpose of the pythons color is so it camouflage through the leaves to catch its prey.

Why do pythons eat gazelle?

well, gazzelle are meat and live with pythons so pythons would eat gazzelle only if it can catch it.Mostly wounded gazzelle.

Do pandas eat pythons?

Reticulated pythons prey on cubs and young adults.

What are the names of pythons?

There are many python species - including... Burmese Pythons, Reticulated Pythons, Royal Pythons, Carpet Pythons, Childrens Pythons, Blood Pythons, & Indian Pythons

Where are stimson's pythons pythons?

Australia. They are small pythons related to Children's pythons (named for the man that discovered them, nothing to do with kids), Anthill pythons, Spotted pythons, and others.

How do you think pythons got to Florida?

Pythons got into Florida because people had kept pythons as exotic pets, but as they grew bigger, people realized that they didn't want their pythons anymore because they got too big to live in their house, so the people in Florida who had pythons released them into the wild. Because there were numerous people who had pythons as exotic pets, and then released them in the Everglades into the wild, there were eventually enough pythons that they could successfully reproduce and live in the Florida Everglades.

Why are pythons and boa constrictors dangerous to other animals?

As with all snakes, pythons and boas are carnivores, meaning they prey on other animals for food. Some species can grow quite large,large enough to eat animals such as cats, dogs, and pigs.